Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspiration


Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research University of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje is the strategic partner within a grant led by the Center for Europe University of Warsaw and Faculty of Law University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”- Bitola (North Macedonia), entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Public Diplomacy 2022”. 

The key institutional partners of the project are: Institute for Research and European Studies (North Macedonia), Center for International Relations (Poland), Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research University of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje, University of Montenegro, University of Niś (Serbia), University of Gdańsk (Poland), University of Economics in Katowice (Poland), Polish European Community Studies Association – PECSA.

The aim of the project is to present Poland as a leader of political, economic, social and cultural changes in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. The action is aimed at opinion-forming circles in the Balkans: employees and students of universities, non-governmental organizations and journalists in North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. As part of the activities undertaken under the project, Poland is presented as a model of a country that has achieved success in the field of security (NATO membership), in the socio-economic dimension (EU membership, social and family policy, regional policy, agricultural policy, urban development, start-up sector) and in the cultural dimension (attachment to traditional Polish values). 


The project includes:

1.Organization of international workshops and conference on:  “Poland and the Balkans in Europe – Successes and Challenges”, held in Bitola on July 1-2, 2022 and October 6-7, 2022.
– link to the conference and the workshop – click here
– link to lectures and workshops (6-7 October) – click here

2. Conducting and recording a series of 10 webinars and 4 podcasts presenting Polish experiences for the Balkan partners:


„Polish experiences in building a civil society” - click here

„Poland as a leader in shaping the European Union’s Eastern policy: the Eastern Partnership” - click here

 „Poland as a leader of European cooperation on the North-South line: the Three Seas Initiative” - click here

„Poland as a leader in supporting start-ups among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe” - click here

„Poland as a stabilizer of European security in the Eastern dimension: OSCE presidency” - click here

„Poland as a country involved in the creation of a migration policy that guarantees a balance between the needs of the labor market and internal security” - click here

„Poland's involvement in activities for the green transformation - the European Green Deal” - click here

„Poland's success in the area of international trade and foreign direct investment: determinants and prospects” - click here

"Poland as an example of the effective utilization of the EU cohesion policy funds” - click here

“Polish cultural diplomacy and building the “Polska” brand through culture” - click here



Podcast - Polish experiences as a post-communist state in building a civil society - click here

Podcast - Poland, the Balkans, Cental & Eastern Europe and European (Differentiated) Integration - click here

Podcast - Polish experiences in shaping participatory budgets - an example for the Western Balkans - click here

Podcast - Poland as a country of success in the transformation of the agricultural sector - click here

3.Organization of international conference summarizing the project: “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations” held in Warsaw, 18 November 2022.

4. Preparation of a book titled: “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations” presenting the Balkan and Polish experiences in political, legal, economic and social transformation.


For full webinar and podcast updates, please visit this page - click here

Organization of international conference summarizing the project: “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations” held in Warsaw, 18 November 2022:

- 1st panel -

- 2nd panel -

- 3rd panel -
