Одлука за основање
In 1965, by an Act of the University Council of the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research was established with the task of:

- scientifically studying the sociological, political and legal phenomena in the country, encouraging and organizing the study of issues from the sociological, political and legal sciences and the development of society;
- developing and improving research methods in the social sciences;
- working on the improvement of scientific staff and preparing young scientists in the field of sociological and political-legal sciences;
- providing material and other conditions for study and research work;
- organizing various forms of work with professional staff, in order to train them for independent scientific work;
- organizing the collection of documentation for conducting practical education and exercises in the teaching of faculties and social sciences at the University of Skopje;
- providing teaching of all levels in social sciences for all faculties of the University of Skopje;
- organizing the presentation of problems from the field of sociological and political-legal sciences through consultations, discussions and other suitable forms;
- providing and directly communicating the results of its scientific research work;
- publishing issues;
- developing comprehensive scientific cooperation with relevant institutions, organizations and individuals engaged in the study of sociological, political and legal sciences in the country and abroad (from the Decision)
This Act of the University Council, according to the procedure of that time, was confirmed by the Executive Council of the Assembly of SRM on 5 February 1965, hence, the Institute began operating on October 18 of the same year.