Scientific Research Project: "Comparative Analysis of Social Conditions and Challenges in the Balkans"

The scientific research project "Comparative Analysis of Social Conditions and Challenges in the Balkans" analyzes and studies socio-political and organizational issues, assumptions, and prerequisites that drive and sustain stable and sustainable socio-economic development in North Macedonia and the Balkans. In the context of global security and economic instability, the established socio-political, security, and economic realities in North Macedonia and the Balkans are continuously shaped and reshaped under the influence of global and local political-economic challenges and trends. These are not always easily understandable for both the general public and political elites. Therefore, it is essential for scientific institutions in North Macedonia to continuously monitor, analyze, understand, define, and anticipate these trends, which is an absolute prerequisite for ensuring stability, security, and sustainable long-term socio-economic development.

Within the research conducted during the implementation of the project, three basic objectives were set as subjects of analysis:

  1. Comparative Analysis of Models of Social Integration, Balanced Regional Development, and Migration Trends in North Macedonia and the Balkans: This research focuses on the principles of strategic geopolitical stability, the consequences of mass population migrations, and the basic political commitments and legislative frameworks for ensuring balanced regional development in North Macedonia and the Balkans.
  2. Comparative Analysis of the Functionality of the Public Health System and the Public Information System in the Face of the Current COVID-19 Pandemic in Macedonia and the Balkans: The focus here is on researching the capacities of Macedonian society, as well as selected Balkan countries, to adequately deal with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic through examples of functionality and dysfunctionality of the health system and the public information system during the pandemic period.
  3. Comparative Analysis of the State of Corporate Social Responsibility in Enterprises in Macedonia and the Balkans: This objective focuses on the possibilities of creating an appropriate environment for the continuous development of corporate social responsibility among Macedonian enterprises and those in selected Balkan countries as a prerequisite for the overall economic and social development of these countries.

In the course of the project activities, qualitative methodological techniques were employed. Within the analysis of secondary data and literature review, reference studies and texts derived from scientific research projects were used, as well as legal acts such as laws, regulations, strategic documents, and other relevant documents, with a particular focus on public policies in Macedonia and other selected Balkan countries.

In the first phase of the research, existing knowledge about the phenomena under investigation and their corresponding theoretical elaborations were analyzed. In the second phase, appropriate instruments were created for the comprehensive realization of research activities. In the third phase, the obtained findings were analyzed, and reports with policy and measure recommendations were prepared.

The research provides adequate and current insights into areas essential for the stability and development of contemporary Macedonian society, which faces numerous socio-economic and security challenges related to issues of strategic geopolitical stability, mass migrations, balanced regional development, appropriate handling of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and ensuring accelerated economic development primarily through strengthening the social responsibility of economic entities. These issues are of exceptional importance for the development of our society; therefore, the data from the research are of essential significance for both the academic public and policymakers. Findings from the mentioned research will serve as a basis for building specific public policies and will also form the foundation for further in-depth academic-scientific research.

Research Team Members:

  • Dr. Dragor Zarevski, Full Professor, ISPJR, Chief Researcher
  • Dr. Pande Lazarevski, Full Professor, ISPJR
  • Dr. Ruzhica Cacanoska, Full Professor, ISPJR
  • Dr. Slavejko Sasajkovski, Full Professor, ISPJR
  • Dr. Mirjana Borota Popovska, Full Professor, ISPJR
  • Dr. Petar Atanasov, Full Professor, ISPJR
  • Dr. Marija Topuzovska Latkovic, Full Professor, ISPJR
  • Dr. Vesna Zabijakin Chatleska, Associate Professor, ISPJR
  • Dr. Ivan Blazhevski, Assistant Professor, ISPJR
  • Dr. Driton Maljiqi, Assistant Professor, ISPJR
  • Dr. Milka Dimitrovska, Assistant Professor, ISPJR
  • MSc. Blazhe Josifovski, Assistant, ISPJR
  • MSc. Tea Koneska Vasilevska, Assistant, ISPJR