Prof. Dr. Marija Topuzovska Latkovikj

Prof. Dr. Marija Topuzovska Latkovikj

Prof. Dr. Marija Topuzovska Latkovikj was born in Skopje in 1981. She obtained a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management in 2008 and a PhD in Organizational Sciences/Management in 2011. She has been working at the Institute for Sociological and Political-Legal Research since 2006, initially as a Јunior Аssistant Researcher. In 2021, she was appointed as a Full Professor in Human Resource Management and Research Methodology in Business and Management.

From 2015 to 2019, she was the Head of the educational sector and a member of the Institute Head Department. Since 2019, she has been the coordinator of the postgraduate studies in Human Resource Management, Head of the Department of Organizational Sciences, and a member of the Institute Head Department.

Throughout her academic career, she has actively participated in the research and applicative science at the Institute, as well as in the teaching activities for postgraduate studies in Human Resource Management and doctoral studies in Organizational Sciences and Management (Leadership and Organizational Behavior). She has published numerous scientific papers in renowned domestic and international scientific journals and publications, as well as monographs published in the country and abroad. As a team leader or member, she has participated in several projects implemented through the Erasmus+ program, UNESCO’s participation program, Horizon 2020, IPA, and in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the British Council, the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, GIZ, the Foundation for Management and Industrial Research, and others.

Her research interests mainly focus on studies of youth and women in the country, their work attitudes and values, preferences, perspectives, and barriers to education and employment, as well as mobility/migration, etc.

As a member of a working group and consultant, she participated in the creation of the National Strategy for Networking, Cooperation, and Reducing the Brain Drain of Highly Educated and Skilled Personnel (2013-2020) and the National Youth Strategy (2015-2026). Since 2018, she has been on the list of international experts in the Agency for Control and Assurance of Quality in Higher Education of Montenegro.
