Scientific Wednesday

The Institute for Sociological, Political, and Legal Research (ISPJR) has launched the "Scientific Wednesday" program as part of its mission and research agenda. This initiative takes place at least once a month on Wednesdays throughout the academic year and serves as a platform for presenting research results from institute projects and discussing key societal issues relevant to the institute’s areas of expertise.

Objectives of "Scientific Wednesday"

  • Promotion of Science: Facilitating the exchange of research findings among scholars from domestic and international academic communities.
  • Public Engagement: Raising awareness among the broader public and stakeholders, with a particular emphasis on involving the younger population.
  • Science Popularization and Transparency: Enhancing the popularization of science and increasing transparency in the institute’s activities by strengthening collaboration with the media and relevant stakeholders.

Future of the "Scientific Wednesday" Initiative
ISPJR continues to host public lectures and discussions related to both internal research projects and contemporary socio-political issues. The initiative aims to establish a long-term platform for engaging academic and non-academic audiences in relevant scientific debates.