Scientific Research Project: "Problematic Internet Use Among Youth in Macedonia"

The scientific research project "Problematic Internet Use Among Youth in Macedonia" is being conducted by a research team from the Institute for Sociological, Political, and Juridical Research, comprising psychologists, communication experts, and sociologists. It is funded by the integrative functions of the "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje.

The study aims to explain the conditions of problematic internet use (PIU) among young people by reviewing research conducted worldwide and in Macedonia. The primary goal of the project is to identify risk and protective factors influencing PIU according to the levels of the socio-ecological model:

  1. Individual Level: Examine how personality traits are related to PIU and the impact of gender. Investigate whether PIU is associated with internalizing behaviors (self-harm) or externalizing behaviors (social deviance). Clarify the extent to which PIU impairs self-regulation (quality of sleep, food dependence).
  2. Interpersonal Level:
    • A) Understand the extent to which parental behavior, control, support, and monitoring prevent or intensify problematic internet behavior.
    • B) Clarify the nature of the relationship between peer support and PIU.
  3. Social Environment: Determine the role of school and place of residence on PIU.
  4. Broader Environment: Assess the influence of the broader environment on PIU.

Problematic internet use is considered a public health issue, with university students and primary and secondary school students representing high-risk populations. This project aims to examine the terminology, assessment tools, prevalence, and predictive factors related to this problem among the young population. In addition to studying the factors influencing the occurrence of PIU, the research will analyze various treatment approaches that have proven most effective and develop materials aimed at raising awareness about internet usage.

The obtained data will be shared with the scientific community domestically and internationally, practitioners, parents, children, and adolescents.

Cultural adaptation and standardization of relevant psychological instruments for the Macedonian population will enable practitioners to appropriately measure PIU. This is particularly significant given the substantial lack of psychological tests adapted for the Macedonian population.

The main objectives of the scientific research project are:

  1. Cultural Adaptation of Relevant Measurement Instruments: Psychologists in Macedonia face a shortage of standardized and culturally adapted psychological measurement instruments for the Macedonian population. This research will facilitate the cultural adaptation and standardization of instruments measuring problematic internet behavior and problematic video game playing. Additionally, the following scales will be culturally adapted:
    • Adolescent Family Process Scale (AFP-SP);
    • Classmates Support Scale (CASS);
    • Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM);
    • Self-Harm Scale;
    • Deviant Behaviors Scale (NDS);
    • Sleep Quality Scale;
    • Eating Behaviors Scale (YFAS).
  2. Review of Relevant Literature: With a particular focus on research conducted during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The literature review will focus on two periods:
    • From the initial recognition and definition of problematic internet behavior up to the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic;
    • From the onset of the pandemic to the present time.
  3. Review of Research and Published Papers Conducted in Macedonia: In line with the previously mentioned focus.
  4. Analysis of Data from a Previously Conducted Study: "The Role of Family, Peers, Culture, and the COVID-19 Pandemic on Video Game Addiction and Related Psychological Aspects Among Adolescents," and comparison of data obtained in Macedonia with data from participating countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, USA, Chile, United Kingdom).

The research phases are as follows:

  • First Phase: Cultural adaptation of psychological instruments.
  • Second Phase: Statistical processing of data from previously conducted research, analysis, and comparison of data obtained in Macedonia with those from participating countries.
  • Third Phase: Review of relevant literature (foreign and domestic).
  • Fourth Phase: Analysis of obtained data (quantitative and qualitative) and preparation of a preliminary report on the conducted research.
  • Fifth Phase: Preparation of the final version of the research, publication of a monograph, and public presentation of the obtained results through a series of events.

Members of the research team:

  • Prof. Dr. Marijana Marković (Head of the scientific research project)
  • Prof. Dr. Eleonora Serafimovska
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivan Blaževski
  • Assist. MSc. Tea Koneska-Vasilevska