Prof. Dr. Ivan Blazhevski

Prof. Dr. Ivan Blazhevski

Prof. Dr. Ivan Blazhevski was born in 1979 in Bitola. He obtained his doctorate in sociology in 2011 at the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research. His field of scientific and research interest includes: sociology of religion, sociology of morality, migration, intercultural communication, research methodology in social sciences, and deviant behavior.

Within the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, he participates in scientific research projects and teaching activities in second-cycle studies, as well as in third-cycle studies within the Doctoral School of the 'Ss. Cyril and Methodius' University in Skopje. He is the author of numerous scientific papers published in international academic journals or presented at international scientific conferences. In addition, he is the author of popular science books published by domestic and foreign publishers. As a member of a program and organizational committee, he has participated in several international conferences, and as a member of a research team, he has contributed to numerous research projects. He has also been engaged in conducting training sessions and workshops on intercultural communication and management.