Prof. Dr. Vesna Zabijakin-Chatleska

Prof. Dr. Vesna Zabijakin-Chatleska

Prof. Dr. Vesna Zabijakin-Chatleska was born in 1967 in Skopje. She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje. She completed her postgraduate studies in human resource management at the Institute for Sociological, Political, and Juridical Research (ISPJR), “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje. In 2007, she earned her Master’s degree in Human Resource Management at ISPJR, and in 2013, she defended her doctoral dissertation in the same field.

Throughout her professional career, she worked as a high school teacher and later as a project manager in a private company. She participated in business forums and workshops abroad and was engaged as a consultant for Macedonian companies, as well as a trainer for managerial skills in national and international projects. She has presented her papers at international scientific conferences and journals, and has participated in both domestic and international research projects.

In 2013, she was appointed as an Academic Assistant, and in 2015, she was promoted to Assistant Professor in the fields of Entrepreneurship and Business Management at ISPJR. Her research interests include strategic human resource management, entrepreneurship, and human resource management in small businesses. She is a member of the Macedonian Association for Human Resources.